2010년 11월 15일 월요일

Speaking discussion.

< Discussion Questions>
  1. What is a goal to teach speaking? How can English teachers to achive this goal?
       The goal of teaching speaking is communicative efficiency. 
       "communication" means  are the systems and processes that are used to
       communicate or boradcast imformation.   
       so for this goals, teacher should provide comfortable atmosphere which  
       student feel low tension.

   2.Explain the following terms and types of speaking activities
    • content-oriented vs. form-oriented input 
            - content-oriented input focuses on information, whether it 
              is a simple weather report or and extended lecture on  an
              academic topic or drama , movie.
            - form-oriented input focuses on ways of using the language
              for example, the sound of dictionary, chant and songs focusing on 
    • communicative vs. structure input(output)
            - communicative output - self-introduction.  
    • information gap
            - what's the diffrent between information gap activity and
    • picture narrating vs. picture describing
             -picture narrating activity means
             sequesce of the picture. they have
             picture describing activity  means describing one picture . it can be a
    • role play vs. simulation
             - role play is small and simulation is bigger.
               and role play is pieces of simulation.           
             scenery and it can be a room.
             role play. the answer is imformation gap is more meaningful than 
             role play.

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